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Mimicking Medium Format, Working Like It's Analogue


I've developed this recent fascination and appreciation for film photography. The last time I used an analogue camera was way back when I was in college (2010 to be exact), and back then I really just didn't care for it. Digital cameras were just too convenient, so I never really fully delved into the art of film. This isn't taken with an analogue camera though, (as i don't own one.. yet), but I took the principles of shooting with analogue, and tried it with my Fuji XT2. No rapid fire photo bursts, just a lot of patience and thoughtful set up, whilst pretending I just had a role of 10 shots. Composed Olya and the camera the best I could and carefully took 12 shots (Yes I know, a little over 10, but I needed to in order to have enough shots to stitch them all together to create this image). I tried to mimic the look of medium format, and I think I came close, but more importantly, I think there's definitely something special about the process of shooting like it were analogue, and I think that extra care and attention to capturing just one great image, is far more special than finding a good image from hundreds of failed, trigger happy bursts. I look forward to jumping into the analogue world.

Antoine Dutilh